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Sunday, 20 July 2014

TWO MASTERS A hati series story.

Dt – 24 – 05 – 2014 Two Masters
    On Dr Manas Ranjan Sahoo the eminent surgeon`s photograph with the living legend Mr Sunil Manohar Gavaskar , I wrote little master squire. Dr Sahoo “Senapati you are joking”.

    The story teller Dr Hati entered as usual with his cracking laughter ha ha ha ha and viewed my FB interaction. He told, “Yes you are correct Senapati ,Manas matched the legend, better you listen this real life story of mine, ha ha…”. 3rd story… of Hati series.

      Dr Hati was attending his uncle under treatment at Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai, from where he flew to Bangalore to receive his sick uncle`s literary award from a prestigious linguistic institution. He was handpicked by his uncle as Hati follows his research work in Odiya literature that fetched the award.

     There was no story in receiving the award for his uncle`s boiling midnight oil, in the most descent mannerism. He being the dummy was not the subject of interest and he liked every body`s wish for uncle`s quick recovery although his inside doctor knew it is terminal. He returned.

     The air ticket sponsored to him was of higher, class not of cow`s class that put him in discomfort. Hati never travelled in this class where he found Rahul Dravid by his side, there were Tharoor, Sova De, Kiran Kher like people whom he recognized, he felt not being elevated but diminuend. Reading book may help him so he opened his hand bag, picked the book received from organizers,

“Comparative study of Odiya, Bengali, and Assamese of eastern India”. As such he loves to read this type of literature because of his uncle but not on that day with the elite surrounding. There was no suitable alternative other than to connect with the book, his uncle`s essay was there, and he did the repeat reading. He was not sure any conversation happens in this class or it remains a silence zone. He being a fan of Mr Wall of Indian cricket felt it an honor to seat at his side but kept mum to give justice to his nervousness.

     Mr Dravid was reading Immortals of Meluha. Dravid broke the silence and started, but Hati liked to give his introduction as the other needed no introduction. "Oh you are not a professor at Shanti Niketan, I presumed so", told Dravid. The Obstetrician Hati now comfortably joked, see Mr Wall the number of test runs you scored can match the number of deliveries I conducted. Great told Dravid which confused Hati.

        What is great there, the lady labors to sweat and a pool of blood, Hati gains from the bloody business, can it be great? No no told Hati, obstetrician is just like a cushioned tray to receive a VIP, and at times witness tragedy. Do not joke doctor, you are the friend at people`s most anxious moments told the wall. Hati replied ten runs in last over with two wickets in hand, and the bowler is Shane Warne, like situation, it was too hard for him to stop his free flow of laughter ha a a. Dravid instantly replied no it is more tense a situation he knew being a father. Is it really so? Hati felt shy and honored, which made him comfortable to spend rest of the time up to Mumbai gossiping with the legend.

      The discussion was mostly on uncle, the three sister languages of eastern India and how both the men were connected to books beyond their profession. They were too absorbed in discussion to forget the presence of writers like Tharoor and Sova De. Hati being encouraged by Dravid was now talking at equal terms not as a fan and a legend. He tried his level best to impress Mr Dravid that a Hati can be an intelligent species. It was interesting to see Dravid preferred little conversation beyond an exchange of smile of recognition and admiration with the other elites. Hati found reserve people can be so exciting and a casual man like him can be so well mannered, he sensed an amusing sensation against the discomfort to start with.

        He had to travel with Mr Amir Khan who was coming back from Portblair at identical time as they had to share a motivational program in a private university at Mumbai before which the perfectionist Mr Khan would interact face to face with Wall. Hati did not feel comfortable to meet the man whom he considers a great actor second only to none other than Kamal Hassain and above anyone else in Indian cinema, his shyness reappeared. Moreover being an obstetrician Hati feared if Amir thought and alleged he did sex selective feticides, he had seen his two episodes of Satyameva Jayate. Hati felt sorry for his professional colleagues for whom he is put in this unfortunate situation. How can Hati avoid such an opportunity his favorite cricketer introducing him to his actor of choice? He could not overcome Amir`s other episode of SMJ in which he uttered his fear to attend Indian hospitals, he can afford but can his countrymen? They henceforth will go to the hospital with increased negative mindset. Hati seriously thought to invite Amir to his area to make him know the real bondage between a doctor and the patients, he was turning megalomaniac. He was not angry on Amir but emotionally wanted to defend a doctor`s special status in the society. Hati always positioned himself as a washer man or a hair dresser serving people with the expectation of getting back the love the way Hati loves the above two servants of society.
What are you thinking man, Dravid observed him lost somewhere, Hati found Amir in front of them true or dreaming? Hati was overwhelmed to be introduced to Amir by Dravid`s  words, “The obstetrician from Odisha  who already had crossed my test runs in hosting the arrival of lives to this world, is it not a greater achievement than mine”?

Amir did not go back to SMJ but his face brightened with his beautiful smile, and started, “Not comparable. Millions pray for a safe Dravid`s wicket in a tense situation with a mix of patriotism whose help for building a nation cannot be measured, the wealth generated by BCCI although can be. In doctorsab`s case a family offers a million prayers for the safety of the woman and her product of labor.

" If everything is fine you both are praised, if anything goes wrong Dravid or Hati you are stoned. For actors like me after a hundred retake and promotions things may fail but nobody mourns."

 Hope you saw Three Idiots, Chetan Bhagat put some good quality to each of the three ordinary five point some ones, we put all qualities in an Amir Khan to make him an Indian macho hero that sold very well but can you compare me with you two guys or with a Chetan ? No we cannot, better to do the job in proper spirit what one may be doing”.

 “That is why we are your fans Mr Perfectionist”.

They moved to the promo as greats, Hati moved towards Tata memorial as an ordinary to narrate everything to uncle. Kusuma Parase Pata Nistare, the thread from the cover of the banana tree used to make a garland, with the touch of flowers gets salvation around His neck. 

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