Dr Hati was posted in a rural Public
Health Center in Jajpur, where his boss the in charge medical officer was from
a sweeper caste in the traditional caste system. There was one class four
employee Hari Panda, worked as an attendant, a very obedient man expert in his
job, a typical representation of the lost old model sincerity. He was a real
Brahmin, vegetarian, honest, humble, knowledgeable in traditional literature,
who observed all chaste rituals expected from a Brahmin. Beyond his profession
where he worked in a lower rank, he was a respectable man in the hospital
colony and all took his help as a priest.
Jasmine the
beautiful daughter of Mr Panda, one day came back from school crying as she was
not given any money by the School Head Master even if she stood first in the
class, instead Rohan the head doctor’s son who secured lesser mark than her was
given scholarship. None had words to console her, needless to say the whole
colony lived like a single family and Mr Rafique the pharmacist tried hard to
calm down Jasmine, trying to convince that it was not any award or reward for
Rohan but a stipend as per govt provision for scheduled caste to which he
belonged. She did not understand anything, she was a child and all these caste
explanation had nothing to do with her innocence. Her sensitive childish self
was hurt to a greater extent than the elders’ ability to console her with
explanations. Rohan had no clue and nobody felt comfortable to tell him the
fact, which he ultimately understood, and wanted to convince his friend to
share the money with her. After all his priority was friendship with Jasmine.
He needed a friend in the small colony to play with, as his priority over
anything else. At this tender age also he had sensed that children of many
families beyond this colony were not allowed by their guardians to be his close
friend. In his birth day he did not get too many friends to share his cake.
Jasmine was his best friend and only friend which was another reason why she
felt so hurt with the discrimination by the school authority. Rohan the
innocent boy always tried to please other children to beg their friendship. He cursed
his lower caste status, which prevented others to be spontaneous to make him a
friend. Children are better human, the caste of Rohan and religion of Rafique
juniors could not stop them play and grow together.
Jasmine after sometimes was seen playing with Rohan.
In the next winter the colony
had an excursion outing, organized by Dr Hati, places chosen were Nandan Kanan
the zoo, Sun temple at Konark the ruins of marvellous art on sand stone and
Puri the abode of the Lord of the universe to cater the different demands of
various age groups of the colony.
At the Lion gate of Grand temple of lord
Jagannath, under the Arunastamba (pillar of Sun) the discussion was should the
scheduled caste Medical Officer, the clean shaven Mr Rafique and their children
enter the shrine or not. Jasmine demande she would not enter without her
friends; Rohan and children of Rafique uncle. Children did not understand the
matter. Finally Dr Hati`s idea that children are caste less and faith neutral
let them enjoy, prevailed. While climbing the twenty-two steps children looked
back on those elders who did not enter beyond the Patitapaban (savour of the
downtrodden) idol at the Lion gate.
Their return journey was mostly in silence, children
slept being tired others were too thoughtful to gossip, the only man laughed a
few times was Dr Hati, as if to break all the traditions with laughter.
In due course none could stop a growing
friendship between Rohan and Jasmine that changed its hue with their changing
age. The best thing Dr Hati told about his medical profession on those days
was, no promotion, and usually no transfer unless there is any public complain.
This aided their friendship grow together hand in hand; both of them became interdependent
to a proportion of any imagination. Friendship between adults of opposite sex
on those days had only a single meaning that they were in love. None of them
were conscious about their own affair as it had grown naturally and
effortlessly, there was no space to accommodate any other thought or person to
make a small separation between them. Without knowing they were in love, they
loved each other as they loved to eat or drink or cover them in winter or
enjoying the fragrance of flowers, so natural.
Respective parents
were not comfortable, Mr Panda was under pressure from his Brahmin Sashan
(governance), he also did not forget his position, the Medical Officer was in a
similar state, never liked to be blamed that his son trapped a highly talented
upper class beautiful girl.
Dr Hati laughed once
again to reveal that the young duo always wanted him to help when ever
situation needed. Once he even joked, “Mr Rafique take them to Islam matter
would be over, caste would be irrelevant ha ha ha ha”.
Matter got complicated as it went to public discussion and
traditional caste clash.
The journey was no more remained
smooth, not a wind but a tornado, and the young lovers were at serious risk, so
also the two families. Luckily situation forced them to grow their carrier and
both could make it to Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi the competitive
hub. Rohan was not so ordinary to give up, he well utilized the government
scheme and matched his girl friend Jasmine. He became an IPS and She an IAS.
They got married at Arya Samaj mandap in the state capital of Jharkhand where
they were stationed in their first appointments. Did not hesitate to receive the
cash award which state used to give such daring couples and Jasmine the collector
cum district magistrate received it as
revenge to her childhood frustration.
Once they visited Lord
Jagannath`s sanctum sanctorum as ordinary citizens without making a possible
issue out of it.
Dr Hati once again reminded the listener that he knew all
characters of the tailor made story, Panda and the Medical Officer are alive
and quiet happy. The names Dr Hati kept secret.
Senapati ! Dr Hati asked the listener,
what happened to Lord Jagannath when the dalit couple went near Him, and for
Rohan it was the second entry, can you tell? Hati added, many clean shaven Muslims,
plenty of dalits, and people of all faith must have reached Him, nothing
happened, nothing, all are people’s creations; Lord loves all, ha ha ha ha.
The listener simply told, “Yeah”. But he asked why the high
placed couple did a back door entry like this hiding the identity?
Dr Hati once again laughed not ha ha ha ha but many more
times and told He the Lord pulled the string they were mere puppets. No reply
from the listener was possible.
Bhai its not only a story bet a terrific story to teach all egocentric uneducated and uncivilised people the value of Love .
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