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Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Monkey Terrorist.

   Monkey Terrorist..
There was a black smith in a big village. He always had work. He had no assistant. He brought a wild black faced baby monkey and domesticated it. To make it's loyalty sure he trained it to smoke tobacco, in form of hand made bidi. Very soon it obeyed him to wind the mill to keep the smiths furnace burn. He called it Jayvir to the annoyance of people as it was smoking. But the smith didn’t listen to anyone.
Soon Jayvir was so addicted to bidi that it begged any customer who started smoking there. It also enjoyed cigarette.

The wild monkey herd while merry making from tree to tree looked at Jayvir with pity and wished to remind it the length and breadth of free air, bright sun light, tender tasty leaves and fruits of all taste and state of ripeness. But custom forbade them to bring back it to their herd.
When Jayvir looked at them it also felt sorry for those unfortunate animals unable to take the real charm of a puff of tobacco. It was too happy to do the work of a full labourer in a very disciplined manner until it brought back some of its animal instincts.
If anyone smoking in his front denied offering a bidi, it got enraged. It made its fore claws wet and put some ash with it. The paste it made on its both claws was looking like black ink. It used that ink to tarnish the other man. Soon it became a menace.
He was the only blacksmith in the area, customer had no other options. 
The smith always took Jayvir's side as losing it meant a lot for him.
One day a terrorist in disguise came to the smith to make a deal of an order of some hundred of swords. He was taking marijuana in bidi that the monkey for the first time enjoyed with his delight. Wah this man is better than the smith. The terrorist did several visits to the smith and in the processes Jayvir became very fond of his new smoke.
With the new addiction Jayvir soon shifted allegiance and followed the terrorist. Needless to say too soon it became a slave to marijuana and to the terror organization. They trained it to be a suicide bomber..

It was utilized for its purpose in a market place killing hundred and eight persons several children included.