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Sunday, 25 January 2015

Non fiction story...Truth, Plural truth.....

Truth! Can it be one and with no plurality?
She consented for MLC examination is ok if she declined can one force her?

We all are told’ speak truth, let truth prevails. There is only one truth. Truth cannot be diluted, if attempted it turns false, loses its purity. Half truth is worse than a lie. We at once believe it but a time comes we need a deeper understanding.

 Sri Manoj Das discussed it in his literature and speeches which I may put here before proceeding further discussion.

 A bandit ran after a rich businessman with treasury. The man to save his life entered the hut of a pious hermit and hided there, prayed asylum thinking it the safest option. After some minutes the bandit entered, enquired about the man. The noble who never told a lie in his life informed correctly and the man was killed.

 Is it truth in proper spirit? A lie verses a life, a noble`s loyalty to truthfulness against a required common sense as the hour’s demand.

Here is a real situation, my own recent experience.

A girl of twelve years as recorded in school, whose actual age may be thirteen or fourteen and a boy may be eighteen year old were produced in our Community Health Center for medico legal examination in connection to kidnapping, rape, trespassing Protection Of Child Sexual Offence act 2012 (post Nirvaya act). They were from the most advanced amongst tribes of Odisha. The girl was to be examined by me the gynaecologist and the boy by my senior colleague a man of the same tribe. Here to mention they were tribal has a reason as there was some language problem between me and them that was not with the other doctor. The girl reads in class six, understood my questions, and answered perfectly. Her mother also communicated well. My problem was the communication in between the two of them that I could not follow.

The story given by police was that the boy kidnapped the girl, kept her in a relation`s house at distant place and was having sexual relation with her. Consensual or non consensual does not matter as she was only twelve years old hence it legally was a case of kidnapping, unlawful captivation and rape. The police rescued her from the place.

When I asked the mother she also opined similarly. The girl`s statement was just the opposite. She told that her father never allowed to move anywhere to see the better world. She moved with this boy well known to her family and visited a mela. Thereafter they stayed in his relation`s house for three days. She told the boy never did anything to her. She told it meaningfully. She behaved as an intelligent girl. Here I was not doing a writer`s job, it was a mandatory formality to write what the victim stated to the doctor. As she appeared tobe and police stated her as a minor the mother`s statement was important. Age estimation by me as a medical man would start only after the consent of the victim and her mother.

I was too confused. The minor girl the mini woman said she was fine. Can anybody force her to be examined? The guardian who was the real person to give consent and knew her child`s well being wanted justice. The mother even told me to consult my colleague to know the boy`s statement. Although it was not mandatory I could not resist the idea.

 My colleague told the boy stated he loved the girl for last four months and had taken her with her will. He was having consensual conjugal relation for last three days. He told what the truth was. The lady constable entered the scene and wanted to tell that her clothes had evidence. Only a day before the girl without any pressure told to the police that she of course with her own will was having relation with the boy in love. Our staff nurse as per rule was present and I requested the police as per rule to go out.

To give adequate justice to the situation I once again allowed the mother and daughter to discuss among them (Not understood by me) and tell me the right thing. They had some hot arguments that did not change the statement of anyone. So I had to decide.

When a minor suffers from an abscess she also never likes anyone to drain it to avoid the instant pain but the guardian gives the consent and for her betterment it is done with some persuasion and force. Was it a similar situation? Can any doctor that to a male force an adolescent girl to do the examinations very private in nature? It was ethically and practically not possible. Common sense speaks it should be considered as outraging the modesty of a little woman. Once again I counseled the girl that she should think twice and sign the consent paper so also her mother. She did not change her stand.

Mother was very upset.
There was no question to discuss with the girl`s father as he was reported drunk.
I also had little option left over. To avoid future turn around I told in raw language that the girl you  should write down what you tell and deny to be examined in writing. The girl was intelligent she wrote it in proper language with respectful addressing to the boy (as one addresses a husband) and signed it. The mother also witnessed the girl`s statement. Did I do the right thing to the best of my judgment? Did truth prevail?
Basing on a boy`s statement I had no chance to examine her. Who can say the boy did not lie to give bad name to the girl, to pressurize the parents to give her hand. Their custom I did not understand fully.
My question is was I truthful? What would happen to the boy who was examined and who states to do a crime? This crime cannot be punished as age estimation was a vital link here. A consensual relation is not a crime if the girl is major which in this case was not certain.

 I state it as a crime as per existing law and as a social safeguard measure.

Why did the girl turn hostile against herself? Did she fear medical examination? Had it been different if I was a lady? Did the girl feel safer with the boy than in her house with drunken parents? Did she want to save an innocent boy?

Innocent criminal!!!

 Ignorance is never a plea but here that was the main culprit. The adolescent behavior here was added to the fact that they did not know what law states about their legal age. Even if they know that this age is allowed or not, how can they count their age? It is true majority of those people look vacant when their age is asked. So who made them ignorant is the real criminal.

Who then?

I still have doubt. Was there any chance to examine her? Suppose it was done, suppose the boy was jailed, was it justice?

To that on a social and legal angle it was, but on personal angle the system did not allow some people to behave lawfully as it did not educate them. Still it is an open and valid question.
The debates done in television channels post Nirvaya were as usually inferior and only targeted people of higher or middle class. Not only in this issue but in all such issues the neglected group is always neglected. They are people of a different India, we talk only to prove we are logical speakers and that is all.

You see any serial or any soap or any debate in all the channels including the government programs the vast India is totally forgotten.

Truth may have several facets.

Three officers working in defense intelligence were captured by enemies and were tortured to the extreme degree. On a particular day they made it the final day and allowed them to speak the truth. All about their intelligence knowledge or else they would be fired. One of them with extreme torture succumbed but did not spill the bin. The second one now opened up and told the whole truth. The third one was a cunning fellow; he had the ability to make cream on the surface of water. He told opposite to the second one in convincing manner and wanted to give all supporting documents. They got biased; thought the second one was cheating them. He was fired. Later on the cunning man could manage an escape.

Who was truthful?

I put this question in a family circuit they had beautiful analysis.
Some felt the first one did the truthful act and was patriotically so. Rare was a vote for the second. Most told the third one did the right thing as per his job`s demand and also for him only the traitor second was punished who otherwise was harmful if alive. Because they were in intelligence they are expected to use their wit and cunningness.

Some pointed out it to be luck as who knew if the third one was asked first what his response was.
He was countered as a man of wit is always the winner, in such a situation he should have adopted a different method, he was fit for the job.

This is the abstract, the real discussion was long, I stopped my car at Panikoili on national high way to answer the situation and all discussion was over nothing left for analysis.

My point was they joined the job with the oath to do whatever is good for the nation and their very job to steal information of other country was untruthful but required for mother land. To be loyal and committed to your oath is the most truthful job and the one who did it was the most truthful.
But yes that can never be a final answer.

Suppose we analyze it neutrally, say one party was Iraq and other party as Iran our response would be different than if we take one as India and the other as Pakistan. Again in that context if we think the three were Pakistanis and Indians captured them our response would be different than if we take the opposite. Emotions can change our perception. This I state with love to Pakistan as I am in the rare group who feel a day will come when India, Pakistan, Bangladesh may join together on popular demand.
 So truth looks with many faces and to know the real truth our present knowledge is inadequate. If I travel a greater depth I shall once again discuss the situation, till the bye bye.


Monday, 12 January 2015

Did you CK vai, PK the film.

My views on PK the film, dt.12.01.2015.
     A big discussion went on in my friend circle on an Amir Khan Starrer film PK. Many suggested viewing the film.  A doctor friend Pigulu Mam and a young man from my village also Pigulu told, “You should see it”. Children told highly about the film. My brother in law the owner of color 7 and elder son in related career,usually bring the discussion of cinema to my house in routine. This time younger son positively compared it to OMG, wife wanted to see it but I hesitated. I was not seeing him the day he in a Satyamev Jayate episode whispered, “I shall think twice before entering to an Indian hospital”.  I was very sorry as an Indian doctor. Doctors and their associations rightfully have too many complaints those are not the topic of discussion.

   There is progress in all fields including medicine. But society has deteriorated equally in all fields medical profession is one of it. Let us improve it.
     Now coming to PK proper, how a particular film declared tax free in some states is unofficially banned in some other states by hooligans taking law into their own hand. What is praiseworthy by some is condemned by some is a reflection of a very bad society. Never had it happened in Indian cinema controversies. People intentionally keep some objectionable scenes or dialogues that create turbulence and publicity hand in hand after some settlement it runs with profit. There was no previous film that became tax free in the midst of demonstrations.

      Let me share my views on the film.

    1- I appreciate a book or a film if it drives me to know what happens next that to without skipping a single sentence or a single dialogue to the last page or last scene. On that account PK is good; I saw it in whole in attention trying to understand all conversations including the vojpuri told by Amir.

     2- Alien is not a new theme not impossible as well and its possibility is explained in the film at the beginning. Here he comes nude with a communicative remote system that hangs as a locket that remains his only link with the several light years distant homeland which is instantly stolen by the evils of earth. What a crime against an intelligent baby who has no sense to feel the need to cover up himself. With not a single dress also he does not look nude as a horse or a moving bull never looks odd. The theft at the beginning also says this alien is going to witness negative happenings so seeing fraud God man and not seeing a sage goes well with the film.

     3- A nude alien looks less nude than the inappropriate dress of the heroine, her costumes and contemporary costumes of a lady media professional in our country does not match. It looks abnormal. The scene of intake of alcohol by the heroine in presence of the alien also looks intentional negative feminism. It looks like a formula.

     4- The presentation of same word with different meaning and same action with different meaning and the confusion in a pluralistic society was amusing.

     5- His association with a good Sanjay Dutta and the way of learning Vojpuri  was a formula sure but was entertaining.

     6- The rocking car that provided him a dress for the first time looked funny but to repeat the scene several time looked too ridiculous with poverty of ideas and vulgar. It made the film too ordinary unlike a real Amir.

    7- The condom advertisement by NACO and the too sensual advertisement of Mankind`s condom have decreased a reaction to its discussion in public and the innocent alien witnessing the funny happenings around condom did not look odd. The discussion with media boss about it did not look abnormal too. But the reaction of the heroine ie enjoying the fun looked unreal stating it never can be.  The boss agreed to give permission to the heroine`s proposal to make alien a story made her to hug the boss. If such hugging happens in any Indian office then the male would be dragged to the court. So a footnote was needed,”Don`t do it in your office this is only possible by professional Jatra actors.”

    8- Coming to the different religious groups the movie criticized all community alike and this being the central theme should not be criticized. This also is the true reflection of the present status of religion. That should be accepted as the society should be cautious. But …. See below.

    9- The Tapaswi is presented as a very cunning person with politically correct words. Without any sufficient reason he suddenly assumes Alien is a Muslim and states very poorly about Muslim religion as attackers. This never suited Tapaswi`s tongue. It seemed intentional to invite criticism and with an aim for poor publicity. In real poorer dialogues with much hatred is thrown by shadow politicians in public but it was not going with the character of that Tapaswi.

   10- The film made all religion look poor but Hinduism to a greater extent; I did not dislike it as the caretakers of religion really have made the religious practice like that. Frauds are a plenty. This again being the central theme of the film we the believers should take it as a reformatory reminder and hail the team. Sure he must be aware that the reaction to the film happening now was expected to happen. It seems he made it so to depend on controversy for its publicity. Amir himself is publicity and he needs not be so insecure.

  11- The love story with a Pakistani Muslim, the artificial break up and the dramatized reunion was as if he wanted a sticker on the lips of propagators of Love Jihadies. To many people it must have looked unreal but as it takes the dependency on the theme love it felt nice. Love can do anything and everything. But to say the Pakistani embassy has no work except uniting lovers is double extra ordinary.(view of a reader whose name is K only). Love Jihadi propagators are with arms again must have been well expected by the team and this risk was calculated.

12- Heroine bribed the police to spend some time with PK in the lock up also looked too ordinary for Amir`s film. It had no fun neither to police nor to public.

13- It is well understood a section of people are not happy and they really want this type of issues to sale themselves. So this mutual publicity of the film and these organizations must be ignored. This was possible communities of different religions should have joined hand to give a statement of displeasure against the film peacefully. That would have been accepted as we are in a democracy. The Censor Board has passed it as U/A looks justified and no one should be allowed to take law into own hand as this breeds terrorism. Terrorism should be dealt with zero tolerance. Pakistan differentiates good terrorism and bad terrorism and the result is so damaging, India must learn it. To be soft against is vote bank favoritism.

14- What for two governments made it tax free? The wise governments better know it. I think this happened first time that a U/A film is made tax free. I do not feel any reason for it except behaving left pole (?left?right pole? Does not exist) doing opposite of right pole. I feel the film has controversial elements and not eligible to be tax free. I only think people may view it learn from it and like it and dislike it in free mind. May be these govts made it tax free as it advertises condom or they suddenly felt money is better utilized by private use than corrupt use by their own governments.

15- Comparing OMG, this film gives a logical ending that goes with the film. In OMG bringing Akshaya  Kumar as God and giving lessons to Paresh Rawal looked too unrealistic and with the only purpose to pacify believers otherwise that movie I felt more delicately more intensely presented itself than PK. I loved that movie more than this PK except its better ending.

16- Time is a significant element.  Now we are in a time when Mohtma Gandhi is remembered to clean the Aswachhata of the country an Amir joined hands to make people aware to another dimension of Aswachhata that is equally detrimental. I even if am a strong believer do subscribe the central theme of the film, my criticism should be read as a common viewer`s study of the film who is professionally not linked to cinema or media. All my criticism is based on comparison with his high standard of earlier films.

17- If good time ever comes I invite PK to come again meet sages existing in Himalayas, meet still existing Buddhas , Jesus , Prophet, Mahaveers, Shankaracharya and plenty many touchy human beings and take the better message to his planet but I thank him this time to remind me as an inhabitant of green earth as a believer where I stand. You did it with a three star standard against the five star standards of you.                                                                                                            THANK YOU PK.            

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Bro Na a short story, dt.02.01.2015 - dt.10.01.2015, dedicated condemning terrorism in France.

Bro Na   dt.02.01.2015.- dt.10.01.2015, a short story.

     His cell rang. The specially arranged system of latest and costliest technology to meet his professional demand where the invisible ear aid rings with no noise to outside and with selected ring tones for each of the only four persons who can call by that number. Bishnusahasranama for the president, Allah ho Akabar Allah for the chief of national defense, Moolamantra for his boss the chief of the national intelligence Mr Srivastab and Gayatri mantra for Bro Na the national premier. He was Mr Swain second to Srivastab in the national intelligence. These names Srivastab and Swain were not real names but only to stay for a year or two when a next name is chosen. Srivastab joined only a few months ago specially selected by Bro Na after he came to power, nobody knew from where he came and how Bro Na brought him. Mr Swain could sense the senior man was too intelligent and quite competent to handle the post, he felt lucky to be his deputy and a lot of improvement in national intelligence happened within months. Srivastab was so fast and so competent he found his own way to tap top conversation in the intelligence wings of Pakistan, China, USA, Russia, and Great Britain. To know the conversation of top terrorist groups was his left handed easy play. He was too quick in deciphering the secret code word conversations. He earned Mr Swain`s respect and love, and the initial frowning of the out of the way appointment of Srivastab by his highness Bro Na later turned to his delight.
Stone inscription by Ashoka at Dhauli, Odisha. 

     But it was Gayatrichant and he exclaimed. At these odd hours of 2 AM in the morning when Swain was about to go to the bed a direct call from Bro Na made him too thoughtful. Was it a by chance call! No never possible a call to this number takes seven steps and here security sense supersedes speed. He had no time to think much but to pick up. Come immediately to my residence alone by own drive for a discussion was the order. He recognized the voice and it was a normal none emotional grave tone of the premier Bro Na and Swain had no doubt.

     He came out. The Capital already retired, traffic was too thin but he took no chance, he came out of the garage with his soundless non branded car took the secret route to the secret garage where he found his never on road car with a civilian look and ordinary number plate, his monkey cap matched the chill breeze, opened driver side window of the non A/C vehicle and moved out of the back gate that opened with his remote and closed again. His long khaki overcoat made his look common and he was in communication to Bro Na just stating the number of the vehicle.

     Within twenty minutes he entered his highness Bro Na`s drawing room as all arrangements were made by him for this secret mission. All the previous premiers have called him several times during their tenure but Bro Na never did so, Swain was with the impression that Srivastab is his only trusted man.

     His highness got the popular name Bro Na in last general election as people everywhere were with the chorus Bro Na Bro Na Bro Na Bro Na that came from the ceremony when he was declared as the Premier candidate of the Nationalist party by none other than the ideological guru of the party referring him as the Brother of the Nation in short Bro Na. The chorus made a wave and his real name Damodar Vai Sharma went to hibernation which became a signature only. The chorus made a wave, the wave that became a dream of millions of youth that echoed in Himalayas, in Arabian Sea, in Bay of Bengal, Badrinath to Rameswaram and from Somanath to Kamakshyadevi.. The nation got a big brother, with the clicking formula devised by the same people who condemned such names like Bapuji, Chachaji, Guruji , Mataji, Mera beta, Damatji etc. Only one name mesmerized people Brother of the Nation Bro Na. He became a phenomenon, his incomparable energy and stamina people liked. He talked about wholesome development.

      Corporate houses, Media groups backed him, the nation witnessed never seen before expenses and wooing machines in general election. He had merit; these people sensed it and secured their future by opening their treasuries. The modern day winning ability the paying and bribing ability was never under estimated by Bro Na. He was in no mood to take a slight risk. Other means like polarizing speeches were strategically thrown by selected people who are too experienced to spit hate and to lick it under the instructive dislike of Bro Na, in the process making the society to break to pieces and the biggest piece was the targeted harvest. Who chanted Bro Na, Bro Na. The wave of chant crossed the boundary of the nation, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, the European union, Australia, African countries, Brazil , and the big brother of new world order USA all noted it. Russia no one bothered to remember the trusted old friend.

     He replied the chant, Bro Na, Bro Na with authoritative smile, “I am not brother you all are members of national brotherhood irrespective of sex and age. It is collective, nation cannot be built without cohesive effort, I am not Bro Na everyone is a brother, chant with me every one Is Bro Na, Har Har Bro Na.” This delighted all they chanted with beating of Dambaru and raising of Trishul, Har Har Bro Na, Har Har Bro Na.  As they were chanting  the central think tank was devising new divisive formula of hate, the social media was flooded with hate philosophy the Mohatma, the ironman, the Pandit, the killer the Leader, the ghosts the statues , the mother cow, the water of Ganges, the Tilak, the Skull cap all and sparing none were painted with hate.

      Revolutions are never propelled by love, hate only fuels revolution became a philosophy. Mohatma did revolution with love was the biggest lie they told, he was a big zero and fraud, only the fore fathers of their think tank and Mr Jinnah did the revolution. Some did not like it. Who cares! In a democracy majority is meaningful, some is irrelevant, and who cares let the some follow the many, the some the minority should fall in line, Polarization to the ultimate maximum.

     He became the premier. The debate became who own it? His persona or the think tank or the negative wave against the previous regime, it was nonsense debate he told the collective brotherhood is required to build a nation, he told it as a son of the soil on his own land, repeated it at the bank of the great river. A win is a responsibility and humble scope to serve. To run a government majority is required but to run the nation all are required the one who drags a hand cart is as important as the one who builds the costliest building in the world. The opposing minded people including Mr Swain hailed his new Avatar of real Bro Na.

     Change of approach towards the person in the chair is the flexible requirement of all government servants, especially those who are in high security jobs like national intelligence. With initial hiccup Swain liked Bro Na`s decision to bring Srivastab from nowhere to the chair of his boss, the chief of national intelligence.

     I understand your difficulties Mr Swain to call you at this hour he told as his orderly offered the aroma of a cup of tea. He continued. The topic of discussion started with the same day`s presentation by Srivastab on the current status of national intelligence and pointing the weeds of the nation and their international link. It was an airproof discussion where the chief of defense, the premier, Srivastab and Swain participated. It was thorough and complete but in less than twelve hours this secret meeting made Swain thoughtful as he went inside the space station like sophisticated chamber with the national computer. The screen was already on with the same presentation, it amazed him. So complicated things how a non technical man handles with the state of the art probably the best in the world super computer with so ease that to within a short interval. He had daylong busy schedule. Swain guessed Bro Na did not take rest to know the details of the present situation. He got elated thinking the midnight oil he and Srivastab burnt did not go in vain. Is Bro Na happy?

     He had no remote, Swain could not find any assistant in disguise but swiftly Bro Na took him to the page he wanted to show. His entire intelligence carrier looked like a joker`s stuff to himself.

      Now his highness Bro Na pointed a name Khosgi who supplies all modern weapons and terror logistics to all the groups of the warring outfits in the entire world. The list stated 108 groups relevant to the national security. Srivastab had given the entire list with detailed elaboration out of which 13 are from the country itself. That is not the problem. Problem is the super computer said there is deletion of names as the number 108 was blinking saying recent change within 24 hours. The list of outfits also blinked and further stated deletion within 24 hours so also the number 13 was doing. That automatically derives the change was done in the previous night. Mr Swain was mesmerized by the technology, how a computer can state like this. He was sure the machine told correctly as he remembered the list was 110. He cannot tell correctly which two names are deleted without going to detail. He knew the figure 13 was wrong as it was 15 only. So it is blinking too. That again concludes two deletions are outfits of own nation.

     Anyone did it for what reason, fear or favoritism or unseen instructions?  His intelligence forced him to peep at the nation`s list. Mujahidin, D company, ULFA, SIMI, Bodo ultras and so on all fundamental groups except two. Now Swain knew the reason behind, it was instructive favoritism may be with a purpose of not displeasing Bro Na who was generally accepted to subscribe the hate and extreme views of these two groups. But Swain again thought can it please any premier in the entire world to be presented with a tampered document of such high magnitude of national importance. Yes he was correct his sixth sense told him. Probably Bro Na is thinking in the exact way. To get a majority and form a government is different but to run the nation is such a sacred responsibility, the touch of the chair the sound of the Oath must have echoed inside of his sensitive emotional persona that he preserves in the steel container. A fraud can never be such an extempore orator, a thinking man, Swain felt ashamed of the present situation. Even if he found out the names how he can reveal without documentary evidence. He kept himself mum.

     He was astonished how it was possible as without his help Srivastab cannot enter the strong room neither he can enter alone as two password twenty finger prints are required to open the strong room the ultimate secret store of the finalized document. Bro Na the great has detected it meant he must be sensing either the culprit is Swain or Srivastab . Swain got confused he was summoned as an accused or as an investigator. Is the National intelligence hacked and a third party had done it? That was not possible as they stored it offline. Puzzle grew too quick and too big. He could not believe Bro Na`s own choicest man Srivastab who was already in Swain`s high esteem did it. He started his migraine and knew he would be in unbearable discomfort too soon.

    If Srivastab did it what was his evil intention. Then he may be too dangerous and may put Swain in the dock.

     He badly wanted to prepare a new document with the two names deleted. But how?  He had no copy of the classified document as per the protocol. Who would believe the two names he suggests are correct? Now the headache was too intense.

     Bro Na told, “Now go and take rest, restart the entire process single handed and present me”. Swain was not happy. He for a moment felt the whole work he did of course with Srivastab`s guidance turned such a fraud. May be Bro Na already discussed it with Srivastab and advised him identical sermons. Can the national intelligence run in this manner? He controlled his thought; it was now an unavoidable challenge of make or break, his headache further increased.

     The strange feeling to see the auto control of the super computer by Bro Na was no more in Swain`s mind neither he paid any attention to the terrible head ache. The day`s jubilation turned to a nightmare although he did not go to bed till now. He feared his untraceable vehicle may be spotted by satellite, maybe all his systems including his brain were hacked, and luckily he saw the anti GPRS jammer is working.

     He knew nothing can be done as he followed the protocol and deleted all related files in any domain accessible to him. He opened the shower, it had some soothing effect. The first crow was crowing as he went to bed.

     The next two days were holidays no emergency came to disturb Swain. His disturbances was internal, he was helpless and finally took a decision to keep his side straight forward, “These are the two names deleted with his no knowledge how it happened.” That`s all. Yes what happens thereafter he does not care? He did not gather interest to call Srivastab neither a call was received from his side.

     It was Monday and they were in meeting again, it was a scheduled meeting to plan out to combat the situation so there appeared no sense of emergency. The chief of the defense, Srivastab and Swain preferred silence as they waited the premier. Bro Na entered the room with a smile.

     He opened the discussion but out of agenda and started with his annoyance on Swain as he accused the deputy tampered the document, so wanted to know the missing portions not specifying anything. Swain kept his silence. How the high level accusation was thrown by the premier whom he thought intelligent two days back which was so wrong? The defense man could not get anything and looked at Swain with a demanding glance. Srivastab could not hide his pleasing gesture with a tinge of relief.

     Swain forgot his resolution to open the truth claiming his own innocence rather remained silent. He was not prepared for such an allegation. A few minutes passed, unimaginable in such a high level meeting. Swain did not utter anything, all looked tense. The situation grew tense. Treason! Come on hang me for no fault was the call of his soul.

     Bro Na looked at Srivastab with utmost annoyance with a suggestion to describe Swain`s crime. Srivastab started with displeasure over the matter, he told, he felt sorry that he kept the presentation with Mr Swain at the finish with faith but that was only for an hour. It was also unfortunate that during presentation details were not discussed. He felt further sorry that Swain deleted the two outfits those are too big he uttered the names as well, concluded condemning the disgraceful act of Mr Swain.

   Bro Na smiled now; Srivastabji Newton would salute your intelligence. He told the funny thing how Newton ordered his carpenter to make three different holes on a wooden door for thorough passage of his three cats of different size, small medium and large to avoid repeated disturbances to open and close the door for the naughty pets. He paid the carpenter beforehand his wages to make three holes. The carpenter without arguing did one big hole through which all three entered and came out to the smile of Newton`s idiocy. Srivastabji how could you know what exactly was the mistake without marking it two days before it was with no one else other than the premier. You obviously knew it before hand tactfully did not touch it during presentation. Your high intelligence failed and it was known to him Swain was innocent.

     Srivastab had nothing to defend. He was instantly arrested and his trial was handed over to a Jet Court that gave its verdict within three days. Supreme court confirmed the punishment of life imprisonment against Government`s appeal to make it to his head.

     Now Srivastab in the jail is given the work, “Operation DK”. The head of D company and Khosgi are to be punished by this land as was Mr Laden by USA.

     All the units of the reported outfits including the two deleted organizations were taken care by national defense with a special order, five of the miscreant MPs of the nationalist party spreaders of hate are now in prison. Now he is a real national brother and he remains in the heart of every citizen of the most peaceful strong nation. Minority is chanting with equal passion with majority Har Har Bro Na, Har Har Bro Na. The world is listening and believes now he must work to make the whole world terror free.


    With love the writer wishes success in operation DK, up up Bro Na down down hatred and terrorism.

Dedicated to the recent tragedy in France that the writer condemns and demand justice to the entire humanity borderless.           

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Woman empowerment in my village Tulati in 1970s IN MY MEMOIR ANNYATHA MULYAHEENA (otherwise worthless)

To the boy of 8/9(me) my village was the biggest and the best .The biggest (although only a medium size village of four wards only), just like the well to the resident frog is an ocean. Own village is the best to any child ,but neutrally speaking also my village was the nicest place in that era.
     My village Tulati slept like my mother with head to the east comprising the village school since 1886 making literacy aplenty, and adjacent to it the abode of Lord Jagannath on the land of an Acharya Brahmin late Mr Ghana Acharya who went on uttering and blessing his son Adwaita Acharya (Jadanana) to be a KASHIPANDIT. It is history not a legend that even if the boy became an orphan, by GOD`S grace he became a true learned man from Kashi having a double master degree in Sanskrit and some other philosophical subject. Being taken care by Matama Janaki Dash, an agent sanyasini from Balaramkoth matha of Puri, followed by the patronage of the resourceful Mahanta (chief) of that matha. All the properties of Ghana Acharya belonged to Jagannath matha of our village . Later on Jadanana became Mohanta (chief) of Balaramkoth , he was the pride of the whole village till his death in 2007.So the head of my mother village TULATI was the center of learning and religious philosophy.
     A father`s wish and repeated utterance although no one gave any importance as he was an obsessive type man ultimately came true, his son became learned Sri Ayodha Dash.  
 Baba Vishma Dash was in charge of the village Matha whom the villagers told a real Vishma, we children feared him.
     The other institution grew to high school in 1975,But the boss of the school complex was the Head Pandit of primary school Sri Binod Bihari Mohanty, who looked alike, loved and feared alike as Late Mr Bal Thakre. (Will be a big chapter in my write up Annytha Mulyaheena).
     Mata Janaki who once reared the sick ulcerated Jadanana, confirmed his treatment and remained motherly to him stayed in my village till another generation to enrich our childhood with love, affection. Till date I can see her doing an unique style of singing and dancing like a Kirtania in front of The Lord. Her Prasad was cherished by the children; we just went in when Baba was absent or in sleep.
      My village was a nice place for this pious sanyasini to move towards salvation, which she must have attended, (She was the symbol of a powerful woman without a single controversy.)
A line of Krishnachuda (the tree uprooted in July 2014) Radhachuda and other flowering trees on the western fence of the twin institutions was like a necklace to my mother village and western to it was a huge pond that adored the shadow of the head as a locket when the sun rose in the east. The shadow changed to a glowing reflection in the afternoon to dusk when rays came from west.(Photograph can be seen in my another blog post Majestic pond Kastura.
      The pond was the breast of my mother village that fed human, cattle, other animals and helped to do kitchen garden. (It had a natural maintenance system. Every year new monsoon water entered at the Northwest corner where the Chief mother deity Mangala blessed and protected the village and old water was drained at the Southeast. During our childhood the hygienic sense had already improved and no one drank raw pond water however it was used for boiling rice or dal for its better cooking quality. Now no body uses it for edible purpose and no one cares for maintaining its quality.  
     Nowhere had I seen a bigger village pond. The strongest and tallest youth could throw a pebble maximum up to 3 quarters of the water body. It had fourteen huge trees Aswastha, Banyan, Kadamba trees in combine around its bank in addition to the neckless mentioned above. Almost all trees had a name like pakatutha gachha, doli gachha, sudha baragachha, sudha aswastha gachha, mangala gachha, matha aswastha gachha, arasahi doli gachha and so on.
The pond had a name Kastura , legend says out of the seven sisters who dug one pond each in the area the eldest one Kasturi did the biggest pond in our village. There are named ponds in different villages giving the legend some legitimacy. How can any HE of my village give lesser grade to the fairer sex when he believes the grandiose pond is done by a woman?

This is only a portion of the chapter woman empowerment in my village, truly there was no discrimination and our sisters never felt they are inferior or weaker.